Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mile One

Hey guys! For some of you, congratulations on completing your first day of band camp! For others, you survived another first day! Hopefully you've gotten a taste of what band camp is, and remember that next week it's going to be longer and hotter.
Remember to hydrate! Most people seemed to be doing really well with drinking water today and I don't think anyone looked too sick, but today was like a cool Spring day as compared to what tomorrow will be. Please drink a lot of water tonight, and stay away from soda. I know it's summer time and everyone's like YOLO but soda will make you really sick and the tomorrow will be terrible for you.
Thanks to everyone who came out to our pre-band camp woodwind party! It was so nice to get to know you guys before we started!

Here's some pictures of everyone + my dog from the party yesterday.

Get some rest, eat a good breakfast, and see you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Band Camps Eve

One more day! Scroll down for the full and complete band camp checklist, but the must haves are:

  • Water JUG (Note: I did not say bottle. I mean a very large container.)
  • Tennis shoes (Forget any thoughts about looking good at band camp. No one's going to judge you on how ugly your tennis shoes are, but people will judge you if you wear cute shoes with no support. Also, your feet will be in excruciating pain when you get home.) 
  • Instrument in full working order + reeds
  • T-shirt and shorts (Again with the whole function over fashion idea. It's going to be hot and I promise you'll be sweating buckets.)
  • Sunscreen. No matter what skin color you are you can still get sunburnt, and even if you aren't one of those people who burns your skin is still being damaged by UV rays. Skin cancer is very scary and not something you want to have to deal with later in life because you were too lazy to put sunscreen on as a teenager. Sunburns can also turn into sun poisoning which can make you incredibly sick and is an absolutely terrible experience to be avoided at all cost. 

Make sure you go to bed EARLY tonight. I know everyone is on summer time, myself included, but try to be in bed at a reasonable time and get 8-9 hours of sleep. Make sure all day today you are HYDRATING. Hydration is a 24 hour process! Drink as much water as you can (Stay away from soda from now until November--it makes you feel sick at practices.) because getting sick during band camp is an awful feeling and a horrible way to start the season. 
And we're so excited to see a lot of you guys at the party tonight! Drive safe! :)


Saturday, July 21, 2012


Here's another DCI video. If you've got spare time it's always good to watch and a great reminder of what we aim for as a marching band.

--Kaitlynn B.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Just another post.

Hi guys! So unfortunatley the DCI trip has been canceled, but it's still important for rookies to see what we aim for when we do marching band.

--Kaitlynn B.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fast approaching...

Please be practicing your music and memorizing your parts; it will make everything that much easier and we can hit the ground running next Wednesday.
Looking at the weather next week should be highs in the low nineties and a chance of thunderstorms for each day, so it looks like we won't be getting a break from this heat. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water and getting some exercise out in the heat or else band camp will be quite the rude awakening.
Don't forget about our woodwind party! It would be awesome if all of you were there! It's a great way to get to know everyone before band camp starts while eating food. :) If you haven't gotten an invite via Facebook talk to your squad leader and get them to add you to the woodwind page.
Stay cool guys!
--Kaitlynn B.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Break out the tennis shoes and water jugs, band camp is almost here! Here's a quick list of what you guys will need if this is your first band camp:
  • Tennis shoes. I'm not talking Converse or any close toed shoe; you're going to need something that gives your feet plenty of support.
  • A very large water jug. I'm not talking a Deer Park water bottle because one of those would last you about thirty minutes tops. I mean at least this size:
  • You can pick them up at Target or Walmart or Dick's Sporting Goods. My advice would be that you get them in a strange color so you can find it faster during water breaks. (Personally I always avoid getting a blue one because 90% of the band has the same blue water jug and that can get confusing.) Then if you feel like being original take a sharpie to it to customize your own special water jug. Or you could just write your name on it. Whatever works for you.
  • SUNSCREEN. I know a lot of people don't like sunscreen, but I'll share with you a little secret. The sun's rays damage your skin, causing cancer and aging. So unless you want to look 60 when you're 40 and be fighting off cancer then I suggest you apply and reapply sunscreen liberally during band camp and any practices we have. 
  • Also on that note you'll probably want to bring a hat and sunglasses. The field is really bright and the days are long. 
  • Dress ready to work hard. Athletic shorts and t-shirts; if you come to band camp in jeans you'll probably pass out. 
  • Of course don't forget your instrument! Make sure you have a full box of reeds and all the keys are in working condition. 
  • And this might seem kind of obvious, but pack a good lunch. That's really important. Eating a bunch of junk food during lunch break will make you feel terrible for the rest of the day. 
Alright guys, get excited! Keep exercising and practicing your music!
Kaitlynn B.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Second Movement

The second movement is up! So print off your part and start practicing! And listen to the recording on the website--it just sounds wicked. Please continue practicing our warm ups and the opener, those are still important.  If you can, start memorizing your parts.


--Kaitlynn B.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm not dead yet.

Just in case you were wondering, I'm still here. Sorry about how late this blog post is--I'll start updating a lot more recently so keep checking! Important stuff has been happening during my absence, so I'll just go over that real quick:

  • Registration: The day to register and turn in your first band dues was June 15th, but a lot of people didn't register... so if you haven't go do it. Right now. Stop reading. Go register. Now please. Thank you.
  • OPENER. Raaaaaah! The opener is up on the band website ( so go print out your part and start practicing
  • Don't forget about our warm-ups either. Those need to be practiced and ready for band camp.
  • Exercise, hydrate, sleep well, have fun, enjoy summer.
If you were curious this is what I've been up to the past three weeks. I've been sailing sunfish, hobie catamarans, and flying scots. I almost sunk another boat this year and almost capsized a 2000lb boat and kind of put a little owwie in one of the scots, but all's well that ends well and all the boats were just fine! 

Hope you guys are having a safe and fun summer! 
--Kaitlynn B. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Reminders

Registration and the first band dues are due the fifteenth--tomorrow!
Be practicing the warm-ups Taylor gave us. They are very important, and we will be playing them everyday during the fall. Our music for the show this year will be posted very soon, so keep checking for that.
Play it safe, and enjoy your evening!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hi, woodwinds!

I'm at the Neuse right now, and I'll be here for the next three weeks, so blog posts will be a little less frequent. Please still continue checking this blog though because important stuff is happening all through this month.
  1. Band registration is due on the fifteenth and that is the absolute last day to join the marching band. Also, the first band dues are coming up very soon; for more information in either of those, check the band website.
  2. All the show music will be posted by the end of June, so as it comes in, please print it out and begin practicing it; the music this year will be plenty challenging.
  3. Exercise and hydrate. I'm not talking about doing P90X every morning, just take a fast walk in the heat everyday, so band camp won't be miserable for you. And remember our rule to hydration: clear pee = hydrated me.
  4. Squad leaders, please add your squadlings to the woodwind Facebook page if you ahve not yet.
  5. If anyone needs to contact me, please get my phone number from your section leader, and I will respond as quickly as I can. 
Keep enjoying your summer guys!
-- Kaitlynn

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Thank you guys so much for all your hard work and dedication over the past four years. You guys have shaped this band program into what it is today, and we're all extremely grateful to you. We hope you guys have a great time at college and wish you good luck, and don't forget to come back and visit.
Unfortunately I couldn't get any pictures of the graduates, but here are some pictures of the underclassmen at the ceremony. (Thank you to everyone who came and played, it sounded great.)

Continue enjoying your summer guys.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Graduation Tomorrow!

Hi guys,
Sooooo graduation is tomorrow. Be at the school at 3:45 fully dressed, with your instrument, and it might be smart to bring a snack because we won't be back until 10:00-ish. This is a very important performance for us, and it's our last chance to say goodbye to our seniors. See you guys there! :)
Other than that, if you haven't registered for marching band yet because you missed the kick off meeting, then make sure you register RIGHT NOW. It's on the band page.
Hopefully through the bios you guys have put the names to the faces and you'll be able to recognize your section leaders when we start band camp. I promise just one more; here's mine.

Section: Woodwinds!
Favorite song: Good Charlotte, Carolina Liar, The Fray, Mat Kearney, Jimmy Buffet, Coldplay, MGMT, etc.
Favorite video game: Skyrim, Fable 2, Batman: Arkham City, Legend of Zelda, and Super Smash Bros Melee (the classic).
Favorite thing about summer: Actually having some free time.
Favorite thing about marching band: Seeing something that started out pretty rough come together in a great performance at the end and all the fun memories and friends you make along the way. :)

Four Facts:

  • I'm a red book certified small boat sailor and I'm spending three weeks this summer sailing Hobie Catamarans.
  • I've been doing karate for seven years.
  • I absolutely love difficult hiking and Acadia is one of my favorite places I've been to. 
  • I have three cats, one of which is twenty-five pounds and has been on a diet the grand majority of his life.

(Clarinet section leader Elise is on the left, I'm on the right!)

Hope you guys are having a fantastic summer!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Cleaning

Thanks to everyone who came out and cleaned today. Anyone else please feel free to come to the school and clean up next week so the band room won't be gross and uninhabitable come this fall.

You see these? These are the lost and found bins. Notice how clean and orderly they are. Also, they are full of stuff. Some of that stuff is pretty nice too. This nice stuff will be donated soon, so if you have been missing anything you should check it out and collect your nice stuff before it's gone. And for the future when putting things in the lost in found: The blue bin is for clothing (Like jackets, shirts, etc.) and the white bin is for everything else (shoes, a copy of Huckelberry Finn, any fish tank you might find floating around the band room.). MOST IMPORTANTLY: These are not trash bins. Please treat them accordingly. 

GRADUATION: Be at the school at 3:45 and ready to practice!

Hope you guys are enjoying summer! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Summer Summer Summer

FINALLY. Just a couple things to remember:
  • GRADUATION. Be at the school at 3:45 PM and ready for a quick run through of the music before we head out to the convention center.
  • Your lockers should be cleaned out and your instruments should be at home. Plan on practicing them this summer so the first day of band camp we'll already sound good!
  • If you're free tomorrow or the next day, it would be much appreciated if you came to the band room to help with some summer cleaning. The rooms get pretty nasty through the course of the year, so now is the time to clean them up so everything will be nice and orderly come July. 
Hope you guys are enjoying the beginning of your summer break! :)


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Last but not least... Lauren!

Section: Piccolos
Favorite song: Mindy Gledhills--Hourglass
Favorite video game: Sudden Attack XD
Favorite thing about summer: I love swimming~
Favorite thing about marching band: I love meeting new people :) and creating a band together.

Four Facts:

  • I love acting like harry Potter with all those spells. XD
  • Haha, I love talking to dogs... teaching them how to speak human haha.
  • Ice cream is my favorite FOOD. <3

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Say hello to Mansi!

Section: Flutes
Favorite song: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. It's my life motto.
Favorite video game: Haha I don't really do video games... :P But when I do it's usually Mario or Harry Potter on that GameBoy Advance!
Favorite things about summer: The sun, the wind, those lazy days, sweet tea, friends, parties, and oh goodness this wonderful, rare thing called FREE TIME!
Favorite things about marching band: Just all those sweaty, intense, goofy, amazing memories and the satisfaction of knowing I'm part of something bigger than myself.
Fun Facts:

  • I'm a plant-eating herbivore :D I've been a vegetarian  forever (and intend to keep it that way, so don't try sneakin in meat into my lunch. I will find you.)
  • I really love chocolate. Any kind. Any time. Anywhere. Maybe that's why I'm brown.
  • I have very large feet. Yupp.
  • I have a weakness for anything Disney. But ironically my favorite princess is Anastasia.
(Also, Mansi will be attending Governor's School this summer for instrumental music!)

Quick note from Kaitlynn:
 As this year quickly draws to a close, keep in mind we aren't quite done just yet. Graduation next Friday is a very important performance for us, so let's keep our heads in the game and push until the end. Also please fill out the instrument check out forms, it would be really nice to have someone practicing on all the school instruments over the summer. Pleeeeeeease please please clean out your lockers. I know you guys don't want to, but think about how gross and inconsiderate it is to the people who have to clean  it in your place. Oh and make sure your guys are studying for your band final if you haven't already taken it; it's pretty tough.

All lame jokes aside, enjoy your Thursday night guys.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

First Practice

Hey guys,
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty psyched about this upcoming year. What a fantastic turn out for our first rehearsal! Rookies hopefully you got a tiny taste of what band camp will be like and met and exchanged contact info with your squad and section leaders if you had not already. Squad leaders should be in contact with their squadlings throughout the summer. Other than that remember to be getting some exercise during the summer and to hydrate like crazy; this summer is supposed to be pretty dang hot. don't forget about graduation coming up as today was the last day for the seniors at high school. :( Also be thinking about the DCI trip! Squad leaders please encourage your rookies to come because it is a great learning experience as well as tons of fun.  
Alrighty then, good luck with your finals.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hi James!

Section: Low woodwinds. (Bari sax, tenor sax, and bass clarinets)
Favorite song: Frozen creek by Circa Survive. (But it's constantly changing.)
Favorite video game: The original Legend of Zelda on NES.
Favorite thing about summer: Being able to sleep until 1 P.M.
Favorite thing about marching band: Being around some of my best buds all the time.

Some things about me:
  • I play lead guitar in an alternative rock band with Megan and Teddy.
  • I never give people reason to dislike me. I stay out of drama and on good terms with people in my life.
  • I deliver pizza and love my job, but I wish I had more hours.
  • The best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time.

Extra note from Kaitlynn: Don't forget about our after school practice Tuesday the 29th! It starts at 3 and ends at 5:30. Bring a t-shirt, shorts, sneakers, a large container of water (more than you'll think you'll need), and your instrument. Rising freshmen--we understand that it'll be difficult for some of you to get to the school by 3, so just try to be there as soon as you can. Get ready for your first marching experience! 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Concert Success

Hey guys,
We had two really great concerts this past week! What a fantastic way to end the year!
The last performance of this year is June 8th graduation! We're going to be getting there a bit earlier than we expected so we can have a quick rehearsal before going to the ceremony, so plan on that. The schedule is posted on the door.
I hope you guys and girls are having a fun Memorial Day weekend!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Meet Mary!

Section: Alto Saxes
Favorite song: Anything and everything by Damien Rice, Ella Fitzgerald, or Michael Buble.
Favorite video game: Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask!
Favorite thing about summer: Not waking up at 5 AM! 
Favorite thing about marching band: Looking super cute for competitions in our super tight buns and bibbers. No sarcasm whatsoever (except yes)

Four interesting things, oh goodness:
  • I always match from head to toe, including when I'm home alone in my PJs.
  • It's really hard to catch me in a bad mood, but when I am it is really easy to tell. (Disclaimer to my section!)
  • I could lice at the beach for the rest of my life, but ironically enough, I can't swim!
  • I could eat Mexican food everyday of my life.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meet the Section Leaders

Section: Clarinets
Favorite song: Iron by Woodkid
Favorite video game: Ahhhh a tie between street fighter and Super Mario World and Final Fantasy. <3
Favorite thing about summer: Turning completely nocturnal and not caring AT ALL
Favorite thing about marching band: The overnight competitions.

Four Facts:

  • My favorite animals are (in order of cuteness): Rubber ducks, pandas, honeybadgers, turtles.
  • I love bacon and can cook IHOP-like breakfast entrees.
  • Sometimes I like to listen to slow Frank Sinatra songs while singing along and dancing in my room, by myself.
  • Everything girly is my weakness, especially shoes.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pre-Summer Bloggin'

Hey guys! We're in a bit of a friendly competition with the brass blog about who has the most posts, so I'll try to post on here as often as I can. If we win we might just get an extra freezie pop break while we watch them run laps, and who wouldn't want to see that? :) So keep checking this blog over the summer for relevant updates and maybe something fun.

Okay so this week we have the two night Spring Pops Concert on Wednesday and Thursday, and no matter what night you're performing you are encouraged/expected to attend both concerts.

Don't forget about our after school rehearsal May 29th, its important that we're all there!

Then...graduation. June 8th. Time to say goodbye to our seniors. :(

That about sums up this blog post. Oh and mad props if you can tell me who these guys are, they might just be some of the most iconic musicians of our time.

--Kaitlynn B (2012 Woodwind Captain)

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Hey guys! FIRST BLOG OF THE 2012 SEASON WOOOOOOO! Exciting stuff is going on--this past week we had our kickoff meeting for 2012 which officially starts the season! Squad leaders should have their squadlings contact information, and squadlings should contact their squad leaders if they have any questions about anything at all this summer. You all should have met your section leaders as well. We also had our band banquet this evening to celebrate all of our amazing accomplishments this past year. Congratulations to all the seniors and thank you so much for your hard work and dedication these past four years. May 29th we have an after school rehersal for ALL members, so try your best to be there. For rising freshmen we understand you'll be getting out of school later than the upperclassmen, just try to be there as soon as you can. Other than that, band concerts this week and then graduation is coming up real soon, then band camp starts July 25th! Here's some pictures of your 2012 section leaders minus James. You'll hear more about them during summer updates. Mary is a fantastic sax player and will be leader of the alto saxes; Elise is your very enthusiastic clarinet section leader; Lauren's very happy to be leading the piccolos; and Mansi is your very excited flute section leader!
Here's James the low woodwind section leader who wasn't pictured.
Alrighty then, that just about sums up this first blog post. Good luck with your last few weeks of school guys! --Kaitlynn

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Fever!

Hey everyone! So glad to see all your lovely faces again... it's certainly been awhile!

I hope you all had a wonderful time on the Washington DC Trip, for those of you who went! I know I had a FANTASTIC trip, although I'm so sad it was the last one :( Here's some wonderful pictures of the band (and Mr. Robinson) on the trip!

However, it's time for us to look forward into Spring and NEXT YEAR! Springtime FLIES by with the Panther Creek Band, and I'm sure you'll see why with all we have coming up:

1. AUDITIONS! This is the big one, guys! The audition etude for marching band and ensemble placement for next year can be find on the Panther Creek website, or you can get to it by following this little link:
The marching band auditions will be done in class if you are already a member of the Panther Creek Concert and Symphonic Bands or Wind Ensemble.
**IF YOU ARE A RISING EIGHTH GRADER: You may either record your audition (any recording file is acceptable) or email Mr. Robinson and set up a live audition!**

1.5. ELECTION OF NEW OFFICERS will happen soon as well! Leadership letters will be collected from those interested in leadership positions for the 2012-2013 year, and then the band will vote on its new five officers! :D

2. SPRING MUSICAL! Our musical for this year, Anything Goes, will be performed on April 19, 20, and 21. It's going to be a fantastic show, so go buy tickets!! It's a great way to support the Arts at Panther Creek, not to mention support your fellow band members in the Orchestra!
**PIT MEMBERS: Please make sure you turn in your bios!!!!!**

3. May 17th is the MARCHING BAND KICK-OFF MEETING! For all of you non-seniors, it's time to look forward to next year! This meeting will reveal the general theme for the 2012 show, as well as give info on competitions and volunteering. Make sure all students and parents attend!!!
(Also, rising Seniors, expect a Senior Meeting closely before this date!)

4. BAND BANQUET: May 19th at Crosspointe Church! This banquet will incorporate both Fall and Spring band events, so get ready for a night FULL of celebration! Dress nicely and be ready to shed a tear saying goodbye to another wonderful season (seniors especially).

5. TWO NIGHT Spring Pops Concert! We will be splitting our five ensembles across two nights for this event, but band members are encouraged (expected) to be present at both, regardless of performance! The concerts will be held on May 23 and 24.

6. GRADUATION. You all know the drill! Graduation is June 8th at 8 pm... time to say our final goodbyes!
Okay guys I think that's everything! PHEW. Get ready for a packed two months, because I can tell you right now, it's going to go by so quickly. Let's do it, Band! Finish out the year strong :)

Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break, and Happy Easter!
love, Sarah Morton