Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mile One

Hey guys! For some of you, congratulations on completing your first day of band camp! For others, you survived another first day! Hopefully you've gotten a taste of what band camp is, and remember that next week it's going to be longer and hotter.
Remember to hydrate! Most people seemed to be doing really well with drinking water today and I don't think anyone looked too sick, but today was like a cool Spring day as compared to what tomorrow will be. Please drink a lot of water tonight, and stay away from soda. I know it's summer time and everyone's like YOLO but soda will make you really sick and the tomorrow will be terrible for you.
Thanks to everyone who came out to our pre-band camp woodwind party! It was so nice to get to know you guys before we started!

Here's some pictures of everyone + my dog from the party yesterday.

Get some rest, eat a good breakfast, and see you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Band Camps Eve

One more day! Scroll down for the full and complete band camp checklist, but the must haves are:

  • Water JUG (Note: I did not say bottle. I mean a very large container.)
  • Tennis shoes (Forget any thoughts about looking good at band camp. No one's going to judge you on how ugly your tennis shoes are, but people will judge you if you wear cute shoes with no support. Also, your feet will be in excruciating pain when you get home.) 
  • Instrument in full working order + reeds
  • T-shirt and shorts (Again with the whole function over fashion idea. It's going to be hot and I promise you'll be sweating buckets.)
  • Sunscreen. No matter what skin color you are you can still get sunburnt, and even if you aren't one of those people who burns your skin is still being damaged by UV rays. Skin cancer is very scary and not something you want to have to deal with later in life because you were too lazy to put sunscreen on as a teenager. Sunburns can also turn into sun poisoning which can make you incredibly sick and is an absolutely terrible experience to be avoided at all cost. 

Make sure you go to bed EARLY tonight. I know everyone is on summer time, myself included, but try to be in bed at a reasonable time and get 8-9 hours of sleep. Make sure all day today you are HYDRATING. Hydration is a 24 hour process! Drink as much water as you can (Stay away from soda from now until November--it makes you feel sick at practices.) because getting sick during band camp is an awful feeling and a horrible way to start the season. 
And we're so excited to see a lot of you guys at the party tonight! Drive safe! :)


Saturday, July 21, 2012


Here's another DCI video. If you've got spare time it's always good to watch and a great reminder of what we aim for as a marching band.

--Kaitlynn B.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Just another post.

Hi guys! So unfortunatley the DCI trip has been canceled, but it's still important for rookies to see what we aim for when we do marching band.

--Kaitlynn B.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fast approaching...

Please be practicing your music and memorizing your parts; it will make everything that much easier and we can hit the ground running next Wednesday.
Looking at the weather next week should be highs in the low nineties and a chance of thunderstorms for each day, so it looks like we won't be getting a break from this heat. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water and getting some exercise out in the heat or else band camp will be quite the rude awakening.
Don't forget about our woodwind party! It would be awesome if all of you were there! It's a great way to get to know everyone before band camp starts while eating food. :) If you haven't gotten an invite via Facebook talk to your squad leader and get them to add you to the woodwind page.
Stay cool guys!
--Kaitlynn B.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Break out the tennis shoes and water jugs, band camp is almost here! Here's a quick list of what you guys will need if this is your first band camp:
  • Tennis shoes. I'm not talking Converse or any close toed shoe; you're going to need something that gives your feet plenty of support.
  • A very large water jug. I'm not talking a Deer Park water bottle because one of those would last you about thirty minutes tops. I mean at least this size:
  • You can pick them up at Target or Walmart or Dick's Sporting Goods. My advice would be that you get them in a strange color so you can find it faster during water breaks. (Personally I always avoid getting a blue one because 90% of the band has the same blue water jug and that can get confusing.) Then if you feel like being original take a sharpie to it to customize your own special water jug. Or you could just write your name on it. Whatever works for you.
  • SUNSCREEN. I know a lot of people don't like sunscreen, but I'll share with you a little secret. The sun's rays damage your skin, causing cancer and aging. So unless you want to look 60 when you're 40 and be fighting off cancer then I suggest you apply and reapply sunscreen liberally during band camp and any practices we have. 
  • Also on that note you'll probably want to bring a hat and sunglasses. The field is really bright and the days are long. 
  • Dress ready to work hard. Athletic shorts and t-shirts; if you come to band camp in jeans you'll probably pass out. 
  • Of course don't forget your instrument! Make sure you have a full box of reeds and all the keys are in working condition. 
  • And this might seem kind of obvious, but pack a good lunch. That's really important. Eating a bunch of junk food during lunch break will make you feel terrible for the rest of the day. 
Alright guys, get excited! Keep exercising and practicing your music!
Kaitlynn B.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Second Movement

The second movement is up! So print off your part and start practicing! And listen to the recording on the website--it just sounds wicked. Please continue practicing our warm ups and the opener, those are still important.  If you can, start memorizing your parts.


--Kaitlynn B.