Hey everyone! So glad to see all your lovely faces again... it's certainly been awhile!
I hope you all had a wonderful time on the Washington DC Trip, for those of you who went! I know I had a FANTASTIC trip, although I'm so sad it was the last one :( Here's some wonderful pictures of the band (and Mr. Robinson) on the trip!

However, it's time for us to look forward into Spring and NEXT YEAR! Springtime FLIES by with the Panther Creek Band, and I'm sure you'll see why with all we have coming up:
1. AUDITIONS! This is the big one, guys! The audition etude for marching band and ensemble placement for next year can be find on the Panther Creek website, or you can get to it by following this little link:
http://www.panthercreekband.org/music/2012-13-audition-etudeThe marching band auditions will be done in class if you are already a member of the Panther Creek Concert and Symphonic Bands or Wind Ensemble.
**IF YOU ARE A RISING EIGHTH GRADER: You may either record your audition (any recording file is acceptable) or email Mr. Robinson and set up a live audition!**
1.5. ELECTION OF NEW OFFICERS will happen soon as well! Leadership letters will be collected from those interested in leadership positions for the 2012-2013 year, and then the band will vote on its new five officers! :D
2. SPRING MUSICAL! Our musical for this year, Anything Goes, will be performed on April 19, 20, and 21. It's going to be a fantastic show, so go buy tickets!! It's a great way to support the Arts at Panther Creek, not to mention support your fellow band members in the Orchestra!
**PIT MEMBERS: Please make sure you turn in your bios!!!!!**
3. May 17th is the MARCHING BAND KICK-OFF MEETING! For all of you non-seniors, it's time to look forward to next year! This meeting will reveal the general theme for the 2012 show, as well as give info on competitions and volunteering. Make sure all students and parents attend!!!
(Also, rising Seniors, expect a Senior Meeting closely before this date!)
4. BAND BANQUET: May 19th at Crosspointe Church! This banquet will incorporate both Fall and Spring band events, so get ready for a night FULL of celebration! Dress nicely and be ready to shed a tear saying goodbye to another wonderful season (seniors especially).
5. TWO NIGHT Spring Pops Concert! We will be splitting our five ensembles across two nights for this event, but band members are encouraged (expected) to be present at both, regardless of performance! The concerts will be held on May 23 and 24.
6. GRADUATION. You all know the drill! Graduation is June 8th at 8 pm... time to say our final goodbyes! 3
Okay guys I think that's everything! PHEW. Get ready for a packed two months, because I can tell you right now, it's going to go by so quickly. Let's do it, Band! Finish out the year strong :)
Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break, and Happy Easter!
love, Sarah Morton