Hey Guys,
I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in a really long time. I would give you the excuse that I just got my wisdom teeth out (which I did) but that was really only like 2 days ago. Anyway on to more important matters, band camp starts tomorrow! Make sure you are drinking LOTS of water and have invested in the very large water bottles found at stores like wal-mart or target. Trust me the will come in handy. Also SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN. We are outside a lot and without your spf ( I would say at least 30 more if you can) you will get burned. Just a reminder forms are due tomorrow, please bring them with you if you haven't turned them in already and make sure that you get lots of sleep tonight! Also DCI trip is Saturday and it will be awesome! DCI truly makes you see marching band in a new light. like an awesome incredible ridiculous light. trust me ;)
By the way the woodwinds are competing with the guard this year for who has the best theme days so our's (because we are awesome and my brain trust helped me immensely in picking them out) are.... drum rollll
Monday: tourist day
Tuesday: frat boy day
Wednesday: princess (or transformer) day
Thursday: wizard day
Friday: tie die Friday!
and SENIORS if you are reading this before tomorrow please wear your blue panther creek band shirt!
thanks guys and have a wonderful last 12 hours of your summer! haha just kidding your summer is just beginning!
<3 Mary
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