Hey Guys!
So as you've probably noticed Marching Band season is fast approaching! We held our first car wash of the season this morning and thank you for everyone that was able to come out and support PCHS band. Marching Band forms should have already been turned in, but if you haven't done so yet get them turned in ASAP. DCI trip is July 31st and will be a TON of fun. I recommend that everyone attend because it really gives us a taste of what we are trying to accomplish, not to mention its a great way to spend time with old friends and make new ones! Also be checking the blog over the summer. I will be trying my best to update it every week and be sure to check the Director's blog for any other information. Music will be posted throughout the summer but make sure to print off a copy because it will not be up permanently.
Upcoming Dates
- June 7: Squad Leader Meeting after school
- June 10th: PCHS Graduation
- July 28-30: Mini Band Camp
- July 31: DCI Trip to Atlanta
- August 2-6: Band Camp
- August 6: Parents "Informance"/ Karaoke Night
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