(If you're not as excited as Harry looks in this picture, you should be.) :)
You should also be excited if you are a CLARINET PLAYER. Your next section meeting is at Buffalo Lanes on July 20th from 5-8 pm. That's right, ya'll are going bowling. I'm actually really jealous.
annnnd WHOOOHOOO! You should STILL be excited if you're a Section/Squad Leader! We have a "set up the band room and get marching band ready to move" meeting on MONDAY, JULY 25!!!! It's at PCHS in the band room at 9 am... I'll see you there! :)
But moving on...
Really, there's not much to report on because we've basically covered everything already! (that's a win for the woodwinds).
But, here's a basic overview of what we know up to this point:
-Woodwind Party is July 26th!!
(again, at Olivia Boorom's house, look on our facebook page for details!)
-Band Camp starts July 27th :)
(make sure you have at LEAST a 1/2 gallon water jug, tennis shoes, and your instruments!)
-DCI is on July 30th!
(be prepared for a loonnnggg day filled with wonderful marching bands and memories.)
Other than that, we're all set! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your bright and shining faces very very soon. <3
annnnndddddd last but not least....
♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ MEET GEN!! ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Name: Genevieve E. Levert
Section: Low WW!!
Favorite Color: it changes
Least Favorite Food: it changes
Favorite Harry Potter Character (or item I guess...): Harry's glasses
Interesting Fact: I have no friends...
(she's kidding. everyone loves her. and she REALLY REALLY REALLY likes BAND!)
Alright everyone! See you in a week <3
Love, Sarah
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