Hope you're all doing well this evening... or this afternoon, or morning, or whenever you happen to be reading this.
For this week, there's not really that much to report on... just kidding! GUESS WHAT?!?! IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR BAND !

yeah.. I really like cheesy pictures :)
But just for your excitement, enthusiasm, and enjoyment:
and, for your enlightenment (yes... another e word):
WE'RE HAVING A WOODWIND PAR-TAY. hey hey hey hey. The party will be hosted by our lovely and beautiful piccolo section leader, Olivia Boorom (whom you met in earlier posts), and will include, if I'm not mistaken, a very very very large amount of pasta. So,
COUNTDOWN TO PUMP-UP PARTY: 15 DAYS (and I better see all of you there.)
[check the woodwinds facebook page for details, and ask Olivia, your section/squad leader, or myself if you have questions!]
Now, moving on. As I was wandering around Staples today, it occurred to me that we need quite a lot of office supplies for band. Yes, office supplies. Vets know what I'm talking about... the drill books, the dot books, the page protectors, the highlighters... the list goes on and on. Rookies, if you don't know what I'm talking about, you will learn! :) :) :) Traditionally, it has been the SQUAD LEADER'S responsibility to provide these items for their squadlings, but I know some sections like to do it a little differently, which is perfectly fine. Just check in with your sections and section leaders to make sure that everyone is on the same page with this, and that all members of the section are covered. I'm not saying you need these items IMMEDIATELY, but, like I said, it was something I hadn't thought about until today and I thought might be helpful reminder for you all (shout-out to Paige Shaffer for making me think about all this logistical business while I was in Staples).
Other than that, here comes the typical DRINK WATER, GET MOVING, AND KEEP PRACTICING announcement!
By now, you could probably recite this little speech for me! But, nevertheless, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start drinking water NOW! As Jon Swofford will tell you, your hydration during band camp depends on what you drink before you even show up to the school on July 27th! So please do yourself a favor and lay off the sugary drinks. :) Also, it's a super good idea to start getting used to the heat. I know I'm outside everyday at work, and even at 9 am (prime technique block time!) it's still really really hot!!! Get moving guys! You're hard working athletes now, ;) and, you're hard working musicians! So work on that CHAOS, and practice your scales, and just play some random stuff to get reacquainted with your instruments (they've missed you since school let out and you stopped playing them everyday ;).
Alrighty! Well I guess that's all... WAIT! Hah, you thought I forgot...
♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ MEET MARY! ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Name: Mary Mai Kasper
Section: Alto Saxes!
Favorite color: Depends on the day
Least favorite food: Chili:(
Favorite Harry Potter Character: Tom Felton (NOT Draco Malfoy)
Interesting fact: My clothes always have to match; that includes my jammies and slippers.
Okay, bye woodwinds! Enjoy the Harry Potter Premiere this week! :D
Love, Sarah
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