- Tennis shoes. I'm not talking Converse or any close toed shoe; you're going to need something that gives your feet plenty of support.
- A very large water jug. I'm not talking a Deer Park water bottle because one of those would last you about thirty minutes tops. I mean at least this size:

- You can pick them up at Target or Walmart or Dick's Sporting Goods. My advice would be that you get them in a strange color so you can find it faster during water breaks. (Personally I always avoid getting a blue one because 90% of the band has the same blue water jug and that can get confusing.) Then if you feel like being original take a sharpie to it to customize your own special water jug. Or you could just write your name on it. Whatever works for you.
- SUNSCREEN. I know a lot of people don't like sunscreen, but I'll share with you a little secret. The sun's rays damage your skin, causing cancer and aging. So unless you want to look 60 when you're 40 and be fighting off cancer then I suggest you apply and reapply sunscreen liberally during band camp and any practices we have.
- Also on that note you'll probably want to bring a hat and sunglasses. The field is really bright and the days are long.
- Dress ready to work hard. Athletic shorts and t-shirts; if you come to band camp in jeans you'll probably pass out.
- Of course don't forget your instrument! Make sure you have a full box of reeds and all the keys are in working condition.
- And this might seem kind of obvious, but pack a good lunch. That's really important. Eating a bunch of junk food during lunch break will make you feel terrible for the rest of the day.
Alright guys, get excited! Keep exercising and practicing your music!
Kaitlynn B.
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