Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Post Fuquay Pre Sanderson

Hey Guys

Congratulations on Grand Champions at Fuquay! We had a great performance and let's hope we will have another this Saturday. Speaking of which, this Saturday is Sanderson and we are the last band to go on in Prelims. The schedule, again should be in your hands; however I believe that it is posted on the Band room door. It should be in the 70's on Saturday so we should have warmer weather than Fuquay, but there are some projected showers(cross your fingers it won't rain!). Items need for Sanderson are pretty much the same as for Fuquay (so if you need a checklist, refer back to the Fuquay post), but make sure to bring enough money for Fat Daddy's after the competition, its a little bit expensive so plan on more than you may think you need. As for what to work on, the woodwind run in the 2nd movement is still a little bit sloppy, so make sure it is clean! Also, as our picture suggests, get enough sleep!

Have a great week, and good luck!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fuquay Varina Competition

Just as a reminder, we have a rehearsal at 12 O'CLOCK, so really we should be there a few minutes earlier so we can be on field, ready to go at 12 o'clock on the button.

Things to Remember
  • Please eat a very big breakfast tomorrow so you can come awake and lively to practice

  • Dinkles
  • Black socks
  • clothes for pre-competition rehearsal (unless you want to wear the same thing all day..its up to you)
  • Athletic shorts ( you also may want to bring pants, because it will be a little chilly at night; however, the pants CANNOT be visible underneath your uniform; leggings are also an option
  • SHOW SHIRT Everyone should have their Pandemonium shirt for when we go into the stands to buy food
  • Gloves: make sure you bring the clean, pretty ones (not the football game gloves because those are probably pretty gross) and just as a helpful hint bring pony tail holders( or rubber bands) to put around your gloves, for it helps them stay on better
  • Money: we will be eating lunch/dinner in the stands so make sure you bring enough for a nice big meal!
  • Ladies, and some guys, please bring hair products, namely hairspray, so that we don't have any hair showing on our uniforms
  • And lastly, the duh comment, remember your instrument, and double and triple check you have it before you get on the bus to go to Fuquay
I just wanted to say thanks to everybody because, as a whole, I thought that our woodwind "sectional" on Wednesday was productive, even though weather conditions weren't exactly in our favor. Also, congrats to the saxes for getting the " You know your music better than the other woodwinds award"..well I just made it up but congratulations anyway!
Also, on Thursday we had a flute sectional and thank you to everybody that came!!

Get a good nights sleep and good luck tomorrow!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hey guys,

As the most important section of the band(...just kidding) we now have a blog to keep you guys updated on up and coming events of PC band.

Keep an eye out for upcoming "Meet your section and squad leaders!"

Just a few reminders for the week of 10/12 -10-17
  • Wednesday: After school practice!
    make sure on time ready to go with a great attitude!
  • Thursday: Flute sectional after school from 3:00 until 4 -4:30
  • Friday: Piccolo tuning sectional during SMART lunch
  • Saturday: Fuquay Varina Competition
    we will need to be at school by 2:00 ( detailed schedule should have been emailed out to you or there is a copy posted on the band room wall)

    Also if you have any fun or silly pictures just send them to me at
