Hello All
Hope you are all having a fantastic summer! Just as a reminder make sure everyone is DRINKING WATER! Due to the extreme heat we have been experiencing is is imperative to stay hydrated. You can use this as a test run for baaand camp, where it gets a little warm to say the least. Also, if you can try to start taking walks or exercising on a regular basis because band camp is not as far away as you may think and its a LOT of physical activity. Also, please don't let your instruments gather dust over the summer ;) a simple playing of the major scales everyday should be sufficient but if you would like to practice more, by no means let me stop you. Finally, I will let you return to the pool or beach, if you're so lucky to be there, with one last thing. CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR MUSIC SPORADICALLY OVER THE SUMMER!
thanks guys and have a fabulous summer!!
<3 Mary
p.s. my picture selection is jack contemplating how is he going to survive at college next year without his woodwind family ;)