Friday, November 5, 2010


Hey Guys,

Last one guys. almost done... tear :( Let's make it worth the months and months, and rehearsals in 100 degree weather, the rainy days where the field was a mess, the stinky band room, the tennis shoes that were once clean and pretty but now are covered in softball field nastiness, the breathing blocks, everything guys, let's do it. We can, it just takes 100% buy in and contribution from every one of you. I want the run on Sunday to be the one that you remember years and years from now. All it takes is being prepared and focused on Sunday.
Now that all that sentimental stuff is out of the way, lets get down to logistics.
- Dinkles
- White Gloves (preferably multiples pairs because it will be chilly!)
- Black socks
- "RED" show shirt (and other clothing that will fit and keep you warm under the uniform NO HOODIES!)
- Ladies (and some men) things to fix your hair so that NO hair touches the uniform, hairbands, hairspray, skull caps...etc.
- Athletic Shorts (or pants)
- movies for the bus ride and any other things to keep you occupied
- a pillow and or blanket
- pajamas and anything else you may need for the hotel
- clothes for Monday
- money for lunch on Sunday and Monday

I believe that it is. if there is anything I've forgotten please tell me and I will fix it!

Thank you all for a wonderful season, I couldn't have asked for a better senior year and I have all of you to thank for that :) I will miss all of you next year!
<3 always, Mary

p.s. I found it only appropriate that I end the season with this picture :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Competition Season!

Hello ! So this upcoming week is going to be busy, but super fun if everyone is prepared and willing to work! We will continue to clean our show for fuquay and hopefully have a great performance saturday night. Just a few reminders, Homecoming/ Rookie Night will be this friday, so that will mean an early arrival time, so make sure to prepare you schedule accordingly. Saturday will most like be an early afternoon arrival time, and i'm sure an itinerary will be sent out soon. Everyone's squad leader should have recieved a football game/ compeition checklist (made by the lovely Cecily McClear) and if you would like a copy of said checklist, just talk to your squad leader or myself. Make sure to be passing off your music, and keep practicing guys!!!! I'm so excited for this season, and I hope all of you are too!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

And we're off!

Hey Guys,
First of all, thank you all for an awesome band camp! I really think this season can be great, and its up to all of you guys to make it that way! If everybody can really make an effort to learn your dots, fill in your dot book, have your dot book at EVERY rehearsal, and practice their parts then we will have no problem being successful. I'm really proud of you guys, especially in the "BAM" block. Keep up that enthusiasm and we'll be perfect. By the way we were totally louder than the brass ;)
Just a few reminders, we have rehearsal from 4-9 on Tuesday and Thursday ( August 10th and 12th) and will have Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals until school starts. Please come ready to work hard and learns lots of drill! Also the car wash is this coming Saturday, August 14th, and is a lot of fun!
I don't know about you guys but the talent show was AMAZING! Thank you to all of the woodwinds that participated (and even those who didn't, you were a great audience)
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the sax-o-flies. You guys were super creative!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hey Guys,

I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in a really long time. I would give you the excuse that I just got my wisdom teeth out (which I did) but that was really only like 2 days ago. Anyway on to more important matters, band camp starts tomorrow! Make sure you are drinking LOTS of water and have invested in the very large water bottles found at stores like wal-mart or target. Trust me the will come in handy. Also SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN. We are outside a lot and without your spf ( I would say at least 30 more if you can) you will get burned. Just a reminder forms are due tomorrow, please bring them with you if you haven't turned them in already and make sure that you get lots of sleep tonight! Also DCI trip is Saturday and it will be awesome! DCI truly makes you see marching band in a new light. like an awesome incredible ridiculous light. trust me ;)
By the way the woodwinds are competing with the guard this year for who has the best theme days so our's (because we are awesome and my brain trust helped me immensely in picking them out) are.... drum rollll
Monday: tourist day
Tuesday: frat boy day
Wednesday: princess (or transformer) day
Thursday: wizard day
Friday: tie die Friday!
and SENIORS if you are reading this before tomorrow please wear your blue panther creek band shirt!
thanks guys and have a wonderful last 12 hours of your summer! haha just kidding your summer is just beginning!
<3 Mary

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello All

Hope you are all having a fantastic summer! Just as a reminder make sure everyone is DRINKING WATER! Due to the extreme heat we have been experiencing is is imperative to stay hydrated. You can use this as a test run for baaand camp, where it gets a little warm to say the least. Also, if you can try to start taking walks or exercising on a regular basis because band camp is not as far away as you may think and its a LOT of physical activity. Also, please don't let your instruments gather dust over the summer ;) a simple playing of the major scales everyday should be sufficient but if you would like to practice more, by no means let me stop you. Finally, I will let you return to the pool or beach, if you're so lucky to be there, with one last thing. CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR MUSIC SPORADICALLY OVER THE SUMMER!

thanks guys and have a fabulous summer!!
<3 Mary

p.s. my picture selection is jack contemplating how is he going to survive at college next year without his woodwind family ;)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Time Flies...

Hey Guys!

So as you've probably noticed Marching Band season is fast approaching! We held our first car wash of the season this morning and thank you for everyone that was able to come out and support PCHS band. Marching Band forms should have already been turned in, but if you haven't done so yet get them turned in ASAP. DCI trip is July 31st and will be a TON of fun. I recommend that everyone attend because it really gives us a taste of what we are trying to accomplish, not to mention its a great way to spend time with old friends and make new ones! Also be checking the blog over the summer. I will be trying my best to update it every week and be sure to check the Director's blog for any other information. Music will be posted throughout the summer but make sure to print off a copy because it will not be up permanently.
Upcoming Dates
  • June 7: Squad Leader Meeting after school
  • June 10th: PCHS Graduation
  • July 28-30: Mini Band Camp
  • July 31: DCI Trip to Atlanta
  • August 2-6: Band Camp
  • August 6: Parents "Informance"/ Karaoke Night