Hey Guys,
Last one guys. almost done... tear :( Let's make it worth the months and months, and rehearsals in 100 degree weather, the rainy days where the field was a mess, the stinky band room, the tennis shoes that were once clean and pretty but now are covered in softball field nastiness, the breathing blocks, everything guys, let's do it. We can, it just takes 100% buy in and contribution from every one of you. I want the run on Sunday to be the one that you remember years and years from now. All it takes is being prepared and focused on Sunday.
Now that all that sentimental stuff is out of the way, lets get down to logistics.
- Dinkles
- White Gloves (preferably multiples pairs because it will be chilly!)
- Black socks
- "RED" show shirt (and other clothing that will fit and keep you warm under the uniform NO HOODIES!)
- Ladies (and some men) things to fix your hair so that NO hair touches the uniform, hairbands, hairspray, skull caps...etc.
- Athletic Shorts (or pants)
- movies for the bus ride and any other things to keep you occupied
- a pillow and or blanket
- pajamas and anything else you may need for the hotel
- clothes for Monday
- money for lunch on Sunday and Monday
I believe that it is. if there is anything I've forgotten please tell me and I will fix it!
Thank you all for a wonderful season, I couldn't have asked for a better senior year and I have all of you to thank for that :) I will miss all of you next year!
<3 always, Mary
p.s. I found it only appropriate that I end the season with this picture :)