Hey Guys,
First of all, thank you all for an awesome band camp! I really think this season can be great, and its up to all of you guys to make it that way! If everybody can really make an effort to learn your dots, fill in your dot book, have your dot book at EVERY rehearsal, and practice their parts then we will have no problem being successful. I'm really proud of you guys, especially in the "BAM" block. Keep up that enthusiasm and we'll be perfect. By the way we were totally louder than the brass ;)
Just a few reminders, we have rehearsal from 4-9 on Tuesday and Thursday ( August 10th and 12th) and will have Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals until school starts. Please come ready to work hard and learns lots of drill! Also the car wash is this coming Saturday, August 14th, and is a lot of fun!
I don't know about you guys but the talent show was AMAZING! Thank you to all of the woodwinds that participated (and even those who didn't, you were a great audience)
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the sax-o-flies. You guys were super creative!